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Community Groups

Community groups exist to make disciples that impact the world for Christ through our core values of Word, Community, and Mission. These CGs are smaller expressions of our larger congregation and aim to:

A list of our groups can be viewed via the button below. 

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At Christ Community, we believe that as followers of Jesus Christ we are all missionaries. We view the mission of the church not as something that God has only called vocational missionaries to do across the globe but also as something that God has called each of us to pursue right here in Houston. Because of this, we seek and encourage one another to….

  • INDIVIDUALLY reach our NEIGHBORS as missionaries with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • COLLECTIVELY we come together in our missional COMMUNITY GROUPS around Houston for the purpose of reaching our different Houston neighborhoods for Christ together.
  • GLOBALLY Christ Community SUPPORTS & PARTNERS with ministries that reach people with the gospel.
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Our Classes are designed to help equip and train you in the pursuit of godliness as a believer in Christ.

Our Approach: 

Our offerings in EQUIP will help train you in the WORD by offerings such as: basic theology, bible, how to study your Bible, tools to teach others in various settings, particular theological and biblical etc.. We will also offer classes on marriage, parenting, biblical roles of men and women, servant leadership, how to deal with conflict, biblical forgiveness as we live in COMMUNITY together. Last we will have offerings that push us to action and call us to be on MISSION such as: how to share your faith, living missionally in your neighborhood, God’s heart for the nations, ministry to the least of these, sanctity of life, the issue of race, caring for the poor and oppressed, etc…

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  • We have C3Kids classes for Infants through 5th Grade. Simply check in at the C3 Kids Registration Table and they will guide you to the correct classroom. Trained and screened teachers teach our classes. Children’s Desiring God is our curriculum.. If you have an interest in serving with C3Kids, please contact Brooke.

All of our Sunday School classes for C3kids utilize Children Desiring God curriculum and KidsChurch, during the 11.00 Service, uses The Gospel Project.

Children Desiring GodGospel Project

TBarM Discover Camp

JUNE 29 - JULY 1

TBarM Discover Camp is coming to C3Houston this summer, and we can’t wait for this week of Christ-centered adventure for our kids (completed K-4th grades) right in our hometown. The TBarM roadshow brings exceptional coaches, top-notch programming, and fun activities to us.

  • Monday – Friday | 8:30am – 4:00pm
  • For children who have completed Kinder-4th Grade
  • At C3Houston (1303 Sherwood Forest, Houston, 77043)
  • Cost $285
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Christ Community Church Kids Ministry (C3k) has three main priorities in developing children into followers of Christ. We desire to build a ministry that is safe, enjoyable, and Biblical. The safety of our children is a high priority in all areas of the ministry. We also work hard to make the ministry enjoyable as we want our children to develop a love for the church. Most importantly, all that we do and teach is based on the truth of the Bible. We recognize that God reveals His character through His Word and His grace transforms children into followers of Jesus. We have Sunday morning classes for Children ages Infant up to 5th Grade that is led primarily by Christ Community Church volunteers. C3 Kids utilizes Children Desiring God and Gospel Project curriculums which aim to build a foundation of doctrine and truth in these precious young lives.

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C3 Students

We strive to create a cultured nurturing environment through the love of Christ for all our students.

Weekly Gatherings

Every Sunday night we come together from 5:00-6:30 to spend time in worship, teaching, and small groups. We try to make it a fun and welcoming environment for students, as well as one that will encourage and challenge them in their faith. Each small group is led by a young adult leader.

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Serving Together

Throughout the semester we have several opportunities to serve in the student ministry. We try to do a mix of serving “outside” the church, as well as serving the church. We want our students to see that they have a role to play in serving God in the world and in the local body. If you want to serve in our C3Kids Ministry on Sunday morning, click below.

Sign Up Here

Core Values

As a Student Ministry we maintain the same 3 core values as the Church body. We don’t see a need to stray from these as they are essential to the church and the individual.


The Scriptures will be central to all we do in the C3 Student Ministry. While we will have fun in our ministry, we will not just be a social club for entertainment. C3 is committed to consistently teach our students the Scriptures and challenge our kids to see their world through the lens of the Scriptures. We will teach our students expositionally, topically, and theologically. We will also equip our students to better understand how to understand/study their bibles and share their faith. Last and certainly not least, we see the role of parents as the primary teachers, instructors, and disciples of their children. We will encourage parents to continue to teach and train their kids in the teaching and instruction of the Lord and fulfill their God-ordained role.


If there’s one thing kids desire, it’s having other kids around them who desire to pursue a life of Christlikeness alongside them. At C3, we will create environments where students are encouraged and challenged to lean on one another as they navigate the challenging teen years. We desire that our students have fun together for the purpose of building community. Our Sunday night gatherings, socials, and mission initiatives will encourage students to build deeper relationships with one another and the adult leaders. We also see the role of Community Groups in our church as a vital tool for parents to teach and model to their kids what it looks like to live in the community. We will encourage parents to have their kids engaged in the life of community groups (and not just be babysitters for the adults!).


We desire to see our kids come to faith themselves and then engage in the mission God has clearly laid out for the church. From an early age, we desire to see our kids “give their lives away” in service to the Lord and truly be the Hands and Feet of Christ. These things are better “caught” than “taught” so the student ministry at C3 will engage in regularly scheduled gospel-centered service outreaches in our city and on yearly mission trips outside of Houston. We will also encourage parents to include their kids in the family, community group, and church-wide mission initiatives and model what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

All C3 Students (& friends!) grades 6-12 are invited to join us at the Spring Retreat at Camp Cho-Yeh in Livingston, TX!

This beautiful camp is just an hour north of Houston, offering an exciting setting for a weekend of fellowship & equipping with leaders & students. We will have the opportunity to have fun & worship as a Youth Group, as small groups, & as individuals. We will have access to many of the fun activities  Cho-Yeh has to offer: the cho-dome, gaga ball, 9-square, the jump pillow, ultimate frisbee, the camp store, the treehouse, the pool, & more!

We will encourage each other in gospel truth, but the primary goal of the weekend is to equip students for – and call them into – ACTIVE KINGDOM PARTICIPATION. What does it look like for a 6-12th grade student to use his/her gifts to obey the Great Commission in Houston, TX in 2022? Let’s figure it out together!

We will have worship, devotionals, & group interaction throughout the weekend where students can enjoy being a part of our unique segment of the body of Christ. It will be an awesome weekend!

Cost: $120


Young Adults

Are you looking to connect with other young adults at C3? So are we!

The purpose of our Young Adult gatherings is to provide fellowship opportunities with others in a similar life stage. Whether you are single or married, we would love to have you join us. Please note that these events are not intended to replace attendance in a C3 Community Group; we encourage you to find one in your area.

Join us the third Friday of every month at 6:30pm @ C3Houston.

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C3 Women

C3 Women’s Ministry gives women opportunities to diligently study God’s Word and grow in godliness.  We do this in rich community with other women, as participants in God’s mission to make disciples of Christ–for His glory.

Each semester we offer weekly bible studies and monthly women’s dinners. We hope you will join us!

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C3 Men

The Men of our church gather all together & in smaller groups to give additional opportunities for prayer, fellowship, & learning from God’s Word.

Each Spring and Fall the men gather on the 2nd Monday of the month. The Men’s Gatherings are opportunities to get to know other men in the church, as well as hear from a speaker, pray, and have dinner together!  Please help us plan accordingly by registering. Click below for dates and registration.

Register Here

Men’s Discipleship Groups (DGs) consist of 3-5 men who come together to grow in their faith and follow Christ. These groups provide a safe and grace-filled environment where members encourage, affirm, and learn from one another while practicing spiritual disciplines, pursuing holiness, and challenging each other to live in a manner worthy of Christ’s calling.

The groups are organized based on location and availability to ensure regular meetings. If you’re interested, please email Rick Kellum at for more information. You won’t regret joining this community of men who are dedicated to supporting each other on their spiritual journeys.

Throughout the year there are additional fun Men’s Events planned. Keep up to date on Church Center

Older Adults

This group is for those 55ish & older, whether married or single, who are interested in serving the church in various capacities and surrounding ministries. The majority of the events are service-oriented & there are occasional fellowship meetings.

If you would like more information, or if you would like to join this group’s mailing list, email

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As C3 attempts to help people conform to the image of Christ, we realize that some need special care due to trauma, hardship, or other trials. Therefore, we are glad to offer biblical counseling to both members and non-members.
The mission of C3’s biblical counseling ministry is: To Glorify God by lovingly leading and instructing hurting people toward Christlikeness as they are transformed by His all-sufficient Word and Spirit.
Please click here to learn more about C3BC.
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Family Ministry (Milestones)

As a part of our Family Ministry, Milestones is our discipleship plan for parents and their children. We have specific age-appropriate truths that we as a church will be teaching your children, which we call “church opportunities”, and we have corresponding recommendations for YOU to be teaching and doing with your children we call “Parental Opportunities”.
The 7 Milestones, and the corresponding age-groups are the following:
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