Sundays Should Be An Extension Of The Week
We want to gather as an expression of our day-in, day-out experience of “being the church”. Our Sunday worship service should represent an overflow of worshiping lives 24/7. Therefore, when we come together everything we do should manifest worship: our fellowship, our giving, our praying, our singing, our study, and our embrace extended to those we love and brand new friends. And it all should reflect real life.
What to Expect
Here Are Some Of Our FAQs
We here at C3 Houston want your visit to be as great as it can possibly be!
We Want To Meet You!
We are a church family gathering each Sunday morning, experiencing together Worship in Spirit and Truth
What Is Our Sunday Schedule?
Our worship services begin at 9.00am & 11.00am. During the services, our children (birth to 5th grade) attend Sunday School classes through our C3 Kids Ministry.
Where Do We Meet?
We meet at our ministry space at 1303 Sherwood Forest St. in Houston (77043) near the Beltway and I-10 interchange.
Where Should I Park?
Our ministry space features close-in, safe parking in front of the building.
What Is The Music Like?
Our goal in worship is to be faithful to biblical truths as well as embody a spirit of passionate love for Jesus. We desire for you to feel free to worship in spirit and in truth. Music is the same style in both services.
What Should I Wear?
C3 is a fairly casual church. You will see everything from suits to shorts. We believe the Gospel intersects with real life, at street level. Our attitude on Sundays reflects this conviction that worship is a 24/7 calling, not merely a Sunday morning event. At the end of the day, we simply want you to be comfortable as you worship with us.
Is There Something For My Kids?
Yes, we greatly value children at C3. We currently offer a Sunday School program during our worship services for children from birth to 5th Grade. If you plan to check in your children during the service, you are welcome to fill out the registration information before your visit. Then, when you arrive you can simply check in at the C3 Kids Check In Table, and they will guide you to the correct classroom. Trained and screened teachers teach our classes. Children Desiring God is our curriculum.
How to Get Involved
Connect Desk
When you come in the doors of C3, our Connect Desk to your right has helpful information and a friendly person there to talk to you about who we are, how to get involved, etc. We look forward to meeting you at the Connect Desk!
Weekly Emails
Join our email list to receive weekly updates on events, news, & followup questions from the previous sermon. Click below to subscribe.
Next Step Lunch
This is a great opportunity for you to know more about our church from our staff pastors. It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions you may have about our church or how to get involved. Next Step Lunch happens directly following the 2nd service on a Sunday and usually takes place every other month. To find out when our upcoming Next Step Lunch is, email leslianne@c3houston.org . Lunch is on us, just show up in the Gathering Hall.
Community Groups
Our Community Groups are the first step to getting involved in the life of Christ Community. These groups meet around Houston during the week and are our best venue for you to meet people and develop relationships in our church. Please look at our Community Group page for a group close to you and email the group leader for more information. We are happy to help connect you to a group near you if you need assistance.
Whether you are visiting for the first time or been attending for a while, we believe that membership in a local church matters. If you are at a place where you are considering making C3 your new church home, keep scrolling to see how membership works at C3.

We have designed the membership process at C3 with one guiding principle in mind: a desire to experience and pursue, for all our church family, genuinely meaningful membership. Our membership process includes the following steps:
- Membership Matters Class: Each person desiring to become a member must attend this orientation led by our pastors/elders. This class is offered quarterly.
- Membership Questionnaire: Each person desiring to become a member at C3 will need to fill out a membership questionnaire. This will be emailed to you following the membership class.
- Elder Affirmation: Once you submit your membership questionnaire online, our pastors/elders will read it over and send you an email either affirming your desire for membership or ask to follow up questions from your membership questionnaire.
- Prayer with a Pastor: Visit with one pastor/elder to discuss any final questions we have, or you have and pray together committing yourself to membership.
- Affirmation by Membership in a Members Meeting: Be affirmed by the members of C3 Houston at a Members’ Meeting (typically occur quarterly).