All C3 Students (& friends!) grades 6-12 are invited to join us at the Spring Retreat at Camp Cho-Yeh in Livingston, TX!
This beautiful camp is just an hour north of Houston, offering an exciting setting for a weekend of fellowship & equipping with leaders & students. We will have the opportunity to have fun & worship as a Youth Group, as small groups, & as individuals. We will have access to many of the fun activities Cho-Yeh has to offer: the cho-dome, gaga ball, 9-square, the jump pillow, ultimate frisbee, the camp store, the treehouse, the pool, & more!
We will encourage each other in gospel truth, but the primary goal of the weekend is to equip students for – and call them into – ACTIVE KINGDOM PARTICIPATION. What does it look like for a 6-12th grade student to use his/her gifts to obey the Great Commission in Houston, TX in 2022? Let’s figure it out together!
We will have worship, devotionals, & group interaction throughout the weekend where students can enjoy being a part of our unique segment of the body of Christ. It will be an awesome weekend!
Because we are going to a camp and not hosting the retreat at church, the cost has increased from $80 to $120. We don’t want the cost to prevent any student from attending! If you would like to request a partial or full scholarship to help cover the cost of the retreat, please select that option in the registration questionnaire, and I will get in touch with you. The registration page will give you the option to pay a down-payment of $30 now and the balance by April 8 – or to pay the full amount now.