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Elder Team

David Fairchild
Lead Pastor

Todd Rapp
Pastor of Family Discipleship & Gathering Director

Brad Morello
Director of Counseling & Community Groups

Brandon Stratton

Michael Roberts

Adam Perry

Brian Bush

Parker Jones

Richmond Howard

Elder Team

David Fairchild

Lead Pastor

David was adopted from Seattle, grew up in Port Orchard, and went to school in South Kitsap High. When he was 21, he moved to Los Angeles and started working as an accounting and financial recruiter  where he climbed the latter eventually becoming a partner with another company.

From the age of 15, David was an Atheist and it wasn’t until after marrying his wife, Grace, that David became a Christian. It was while living in San Diego that his faith grew, he began serving at his local church, and sensed a calling to vocational ministry. David, Grace, & their two children (Michael & Madison) spent 10 years planting churches in California and serving as a Board Member for the Acts 29 Network as well as Acts 29 International before moving to Seattle in 2011 where David was lead pastor of Mars Hill West Seattle (later to become Trinity West Seattle). The Fairchilds served faithfully in Seattle until the Fall of 2019 when they responded to C3Houston’s need for a lead pastor.

Todd Rapp

Pastor of Family Discipleship & Gathering Director
Todd grew up in Fort Worth playing many different sports and thriving within a Christ-centered family of 5. Todd attended Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California for two years, studying Theology, Liberal Arts, and playing on the Varsity tennis team. Transferring to the University of Texas in Austin, Todd graduated with degrees in Psychology and Sociology.
After an internship at Kanakuk Kamps in Branson, Missouri, he took a position as Staff & Area Director for a discipleship youth ministry called K-Life in Dallas, serving there for six years. Pursing his love for Christian music, he spent a year in Franklin, TN both writing and singing on several albums, as well as working with Interl’inc as the Tour Coordinator with music artists such as Audio Adrenaline & DC Talk. For the next 15 years, Todd was a Director at Kanakuk Kamps where he met and married his wife, Bronwyn, and who now have 6 children.

Brad Morello

Director of Counseling & Community Groups
Brad Morello starting serving as the Interim Minister at C3 in August of 2019 and as the Director of Counseling and Community Groups in February of 2020. His responsibilities include overseeing the counseling, community group and missions ministries, with occasional preaching and teaching opportunities. Brad has a passion for the local church to grow in godliness and to effectively participate in the Great Commission in Houston and around the world.
Brad became a Christian here in Houston during high school through the ministry of Young Life. He quickly developed a passion to know Christ and to make Him known. His love for God and His Word can be traced back to the ministries of men like John Piper, Charles Spurgeon, and others who championed expository preaching and the Glory of God as the end of all our pursuits. Brad holds a Ph.D. in Missions and New Testament from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he currently serves as an adjunct professor of Christian Missions. Before serving at C3, his family served as missionaries in East Asia for 11 years.
Brad is quick to admit that he married well above himself! He and Amy have been partners in ministry for the past 20 years and have three teenage children: Savannah, Peter, and Alex. They have all committed themselves to the Lord and are also learning how to be and make disciples. They truly bring untold joy to their parent’s lives daily.

Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts was born in Dallas and raised in San Antonio. After attending church on and off with his family, Michael began Young Life in high school. He heard the Gospel clearly taught at a Young Life camp in Colorado his sophomore year of high school. During that trip, he placed his faith in Christ, thus beginning a process by which God would lead faithful men in his life to train and disciple him in God’s word.

Michael learned how to study God’s word and developed a love for the Church during his time at the University of North Texas in Denton. College brought his now-wife Brooke into his life. God allowed them to participate in various ministries during their 4 years of dating, including Back Yard Bi- ble club for inner city kids, and CollegeLife. While at UNT Denton, Michael felt a strong desire to go into full-time ministry. Shortly after graduation, he completed a 9 month Bible program, married his bride, Brooke, and accepted a job as a Student Pastor in Jonesboro, Arkansas.

Brandon Stratton

Brandon Stratton and his wife, Michelle, have been members of C3Houston for eight years. They have been married for 10 years and have three children: Elise (six), Nora (four), and Grant (three). Brandon works in Information Technology for the University of Houston.

Brandon was born in San Diego and raised outside Seattle until age nine, then moved to the Woodlands—as he likes to say, he “got to Texas as fast as he could.” He rarely attended church, but considered himself a Christian because he wasn’t Jewish, Muslim, or anything else. While Brandon was in college at the University of Houston, his believing uncle invited him to his bible study class at Second Baptist. Brandon attended Second for two years, intellectually intrigued by the Christian faith but still living his sinful lifestyle. Then—boom—God saved him. During a Sunday service, it became crystal clear that he didn’t need to intellectually assent to and master every point of Christian doctrine and philosophy. He needed to repent of his sin and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He did, and God in His grace immediately removed many of Brandon’s old sinful desires and gave him a hunger to know God.

Shortly thereafter, Brandon met and married Michelle, and they moved to the Washington, D.C. area. They joined Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC), which God used to absolutely transform their understanding of the sovereignty of God, the beauty and centrality of Christ in scripture, and the importance of the local church. God also used CHBC to bring them to C3; the Strattons met C3’s founding pastors through a pastors’ conference at CHBC.

Since joining C3, Brandon has served in C3Kids, Men’s Ministry, and as a Community Group leader and host. Brandon is particularly passionate about one-on-one discipleship; he meets regularly with men who want to grow as Christ followers by walking through the Bible or helpful books. Brandon also takes seriously the responsibility to shepherd his family. He leads the family (and any C3 family who happen to be visiting!) in “Bible Time” most nights, a simple practice of bible reading, singing, prayer, and catechism. Brandon and Michelle’s most earnest desire is that God would save their children, bringing a great harvest from the slow and steady seeds of Bible Time.

Adam Perry

Adam Perry and his wife, Lauren, have been members at C3 since its beginnings in 2012.  They visited two weeks after they were married and have not left! Adam and Lauren have been richly blessed by the ministry of C3 in countless ways.  They have four precious kids, Madison, Oliver, Teddy, & Evelyn.  Adam and Lauren have been involved in the life of the C3 Body in various ways throughout the years including children’s, men’s and women’s ministries and community group.  Adam and Lauren dearly love their community group in West Katy which they have hosted and been a part of leadership for 7 years now.  Praise God!

Adam has been a Houstonian since he was three.  He was raised by a faithful Mom and Dad who shared the Gospel with him and his three sisters and brother at an early age.  Adam confessed his sinfulness and need for rescue by Jesus at a young age (6), but it was not until his first year of college where the Lord graciously allowed Adam to taste the bitter fruit of his idolatry of success, family, independence, approval, and many others. Jesus became a sweet and steady assurance for Adam’s soul.  The college years were transitional ones for Adam who had spent most of his first 20 years playing sports of all kinds. After two years of playing college baseball at Sam Houston State he transferred to Texas A&M to finish in engineering. More significantly during that season of life the Lord compelled a deepening appetite for His Word and what it meant to live for Him and…he met his wife, Lauren!

From the early days of C3, Adam has been challenged to grow in understanding the vital importance of the Christ’s Body, the Church. Through the preached word, the faithful love and witness of friends at C3, little-by-little the Lord has graciously convinced him that Christ’s Body is precious to Christ.  The Lord Jesus has saved us into his family and we now, together, walk arm-in-arm seeking to love and obey the Great Call of our Great God.  Adam is eager to walk with his brothers and sisters in obedience to our gracious Lord.

Brian Bush

Brian Bush grew up in Morris, IL, a small farm town with a Friday Night Lights-esque (the movie, not the show) obsession with high school football, an annual Corn Festival, and strictly enforced 25 mph speed limits. He regularly attended church on Sundays with his family, at least Sundays when it did not conflict with sporting events.

Throughout his early years, Brian strived and inevitably struggled toward a self-imposed standard of “perfection,” however a kid might think to measure that in academics, athletics, behavior, etc. and often was left burned out and defeated. That was born out of pride, idolatry (of success and security), and zero true understanding of the work of Christ. But around the time he started high school, by the grace of God, he heard the Good News. Brian recognized he was a sinner and in need of a Savior and Jesus had died for his sins. The Lord was faithful in the months afterward, with the local youth pastor discipling Brian, who could then gladly declare “Jesus is Lord and Savior.”

He attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to study Mechanical Engineering and become Ironman. There was no intent of ever moving to Texas or working for ExxonMobil, but then that’s exactly what happened. The Lord said,
“My plans aren’t your plans,” and by the end of Brian’s first weekend in Houston, he’d unwittingly found pastors that would equip him to really study the Word for the first time, close friends (to this day), and his future bride, Erin. God obviously thought he needed some help… At the end of 2011, Erin and Brian joined in the soft launch of C3, and have remained except for a 3-year long business trip to Los Angeles’ beach cities. They have been thoroughly blessed being part of and serving C3. Erin has served as a staff admin for several years and recently as a deacon; Brian has led a Community Group and has taught Sunday School at most grade levels. He is humbled (and excited) about being considered to serve C3 as an elder. The Bush family has grown over the years, with the additions of 3 children and a cat named Zorro.

Parker Jones

Parker Jones was born and raised in Houston and spent much of his childhood in a large church in the west side of town. Many of his summers were spent in church camps and it was in one of these camps that the Lord opened his eyes to his brokenness and need for a Savior.

When he was sixteen, he accepted an invitation from a friend to visit a different church and quickly decided that that was the church for him. Unrelated to his decision to faithfully attend that church, he met a cute girl that also attended that church with her family.

He attended college at Texas A&M University and continued to grow in his faith while pursuing an engineering degree and the aforementioned cute girl who was then living in Waco. He joined a fraternity and God blessed him with many spiritual brothers that continually challenged, encouraged, and sharpened him during his time in College Station. Two weeks after graduation, he married Lauren, his girlfriend of five years. They started their life together back in Houston where he began his career as a petroleum engineer.

Parker and Lauren re-joined the church where they met in high school and then helped start Christ Community Church in 2013. They spent a four-year hiatus in Austin from 2017-2021 where they attended the Well and later helped plant Refuge Community Church before heading back to Houston. They are thankful to be back in community with the body of C3.

Through the years, they have served in the kids ministry, the A/V booth, and the worship team. Parker currently serves as a deacon. Along the way, Parker and Lauren have grown their family with the addition of four children: Laura (19), Jeremiah (11), Ty (5), and Juliet (1). Their children originally hail from Colombia, Tanzania, and Texas. The Lord has uniquely used the body of C3 to love and carry them over high mountains and through deep waters; Parker is humbled and honored to be considered to serve C3 as an elder.

Richmond Howard

Richmond Howard grew up in Austin and came to faith in Jesus through his youth group in eighth grade. While on a high school mission trip in Atlanta, he felt called to pursue vocational ministry.  He and McKinzie met freshman year of college at Texas A&M and were married in 2015. They have three young daughters: Hadley, Tatum, and Harper. Their girls bring so much joy and are a constant reminder of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

Richmond has served on staff at Christ Community Church since June of 2016 as our Student Ministry Director and then Executive Pastor. After sensing a call to church plant in 2023 he transitioned to serve as our church planting pastor.

In 2025, he and his family will be planting Sanctuary Church in central Spring Branch.

This community has been their home and God has given them a strong burden for the area. His prayer is for Sanctuary Church to become a missional, disciple-making church with an underlying desire to have a culture of prayer for revival and spiritual awakening in Houston.